Dear Parents/Carers
We have recently received several complaints and concerns about the behaviour and safety of some pupils at the beginning and end of school day.
These have come from local residents, other parents and staff. The main concern is around the safety of children playing and running in between cars, in the road and in the school car park.
From a safeguarding perspective the safeguarding team at school have become concerned that several children are placing themselves at risk of serious harm whilst in their parents care before and after school.
Local residents have become upset and concerned about the nuisance this behaviour is causing. Due to these concerns the school has made contact with the Police to express concerns for the safety of the children and nuisance issues for local residents.
Whilst recognising that social interaction and friendships outside of school are an important element of communities I would like to urge all parents to be vigilant for the safety of their children and considerate of the local residents. Please consider how you would feel if children were behaving in this way outside your homes or if you were a driver who had a child run out in front of them causing a serious accident.
Mrs Martin has spoken to some children and as a member of the senior leadership team with responsibility for managing behaviour and designated safeguarding lead she will continue to do so.
If you are a parent of one of the children running around the local area and school car park before and after school whilst in your care, I respectfully request you please control and manage their behaviour. Our main concern is that there will be a serious accident and a child could be seriously injured or worse. Staff are very concerned that a child may be hit by a moving car either in the school car park or on local roads.
Very close to school is a park and green which would be an ideal area for children to play together whilst parents are socialising.
Thank you for your consideration and cooperation with this issue.
Sue Brewer