Please see our knowledge organiser with all the key learning and questions for Autumn 1.
We are learning about:
- Literacy - Information text (Rain Cats)
- Maths - Place Value
- Science - Living things and their habitats (Classification)
- Art - Georgia O'Keefe - Drawing
- Music - Music and technology
- PSHE - Relationships
- Computing - Computing systems and networks
- RE - Hinduism
Please see our knowledge organiser with all the key learning and questions for Autumn 2.
We are learning about:
- Literacy - Tale of Fear (Zelda Claw)
- Maths - Division
- Science - Animals including humans (Circulatory system)
- Art - Vincent Van Gogh - Painting
- Music - Developing ensemble
- PSHE - Health and Wellbeing
- Computing - Programming
- RE - Hinduism
Please see our knowledge organiser with all the key learning and questions for Spring 1.
We are learning about:
- Literacy - Fiction and non fiction writing linked to The Nowhere Emporium
- Maths - Fractions
- Science - Light
- Art - Alberto Giacometti - Sculpture
- Music - Creative composition
- PSHE - Living in the wider world
- Computing - Data handling
- RE - Christianity