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PSHE & Relationships and Health Education

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) forms an integral part of our learning at Holway Park School.  PSHE is reflected within our 4S and Think Like a Learner ethos which can essentially be seen to underpin all that we do across the entire curriculum and school environment. A core part of this includes enabling all children to realise their potential through promoting reflective, resilient and ‘growth mindset’ behaviours towards learning.


In addition to our daily conversations and modelling of respectful, courteous behaviour, children have a weekly taught PSHE session where we build on their knowledge and understanding of creating safe, positive relationships with others as well as developing a healthy understanding about physical and mental wellbeing topics outlined in the new statutory RSE curriculum.


Furthermore, we are committed to developing our children’s awareness and mutual respect for diversity. For example, we focus on and revisit the UNICEF rights of the child during each 4S week. Respect and tolerance for diversity is reinforced further during our anti-racism days and anti-bullying awareness days; children are encouraged to explore and embrace what makes themselves and others unique but also realise that despite our differences; we also share a lot in common.


Ultimately, our PSHE sets out to equip our children with the knowledge and understanding to live a confident, healthy and safe lifestyle and become well-rounded citizens in the community.
