Holway Park School
Dealing with Concerns
Stage 1- Class Teacher
If you have a concern or issue no matter how small about your child or something that has happened in school, in the first instance contact your child’s class teacher- they are the person who knows your child well.
Stage 2- General Concern
If you still have concerns following your conversation with your child’s class teacher you should contact the school office to make an appointment with Mrs Bristow our PFSA
Stage 2- SEND
If you still have concerns following your conversation with your child’s class teacher which is about possible SEN you should contact the school office to make an appointment with Mrs Hall or Mrs Kidner our school SENCOs
Stage 3- Deputy Headteacher
If you still have concerns following your discusions with staff at stage 1 and 2 please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with Mrs J Martin the school Deputy Headteacher.
Stage 4- Headteacher
Mrs Brewer our Headteacher is made aware of and will follow up any concerns or issues that have not been successfully dealt with at Stage 3